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Creating harmony for a healthy, balanced life

학사공지 게시판

8회차 디지털 유니버스 콜로퀴움 강연 안내: 11월10일(목) 16:00 / 대학A 227호

  • 임현희
  • 등록일 : 2022.11.07
  • 조회수 : 501

<8회차 디지털 유니버스 콜로퀴움 안내>


일시/장소: 2022.11.10.() 16:00-17:00 / 대학A 227

연사: 오승재 교수(경희대학교)

주제Haptic Interaction in the Metaverse


In this talk, I introduce and review recent haptic studies. This talk follows a taxonomy categorizing haptic interactions into two dimensions: three touch types (active, passive, and dynamic touch) and the existence of a physical haptic proxy. Using the conceptual framework makes it possible to clarify the characteristics of haptic interfaces for each combination of the two dimensions. I would like to point out the recent trends of haptic research papers and the promising future directions to consider.



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