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Creating harmony for a healthy, balanced life

학사공지 게시판

4회차 디지털 유니버스 콜로퀴움 강연 안내: 10월6일(목) 16:00 / 대학A 227호

  • 임현희
  • 등록일 : 2022.09.26
  • 조회수 : 489

<4회차 디지털 유니버스 콜로퀴움 안내>

- 일시/장소: 2022.10.06.(목) 16:00-17:00 / 대학A 227호

- 연사: 김광기 교수(가천대학교)

- 주제: AI를 이용한 의학분야 적용 연구 사례(Research of Medical Imaging Applications Using AI)

- 초록:

The papers in this special section focus on the technology and applications supported by deep learning. Deep learning is a growing trend in general data analysis and has been termed one of the 10 breakthrough technologies of 2013. Deep learning is an improvement of artificial neural networks, consisting of more layers that permit higher levels of abstraction and improved predictions from data. To date, it is emerging as the leading machine-learning tool in the general imaging and computer vision domains. In particular, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have proven to be powerful tools for a broad range of computer vision tasks. Deep CNNs automatically learn mid-level and high-level abstractions obtained from images. Recent results indicate that the generic descriptors extracted from CNNs are extremely effective in object recognition and localization in natural images. Medical image analysis groups across the world are quickly entering the field and applying CNNs and other deep learning methodologies to a wide variety of applications.

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