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[언어교육센터] 2018년도 가을학기 한국어 강좌 신청 안내

  • 김다린
  • 등록일 : 2018.08.23
  • 조회수 : 3145

Korean Language Class, Fall 2018
Language Education Center (LEC) is offering Korean class for GIST international students (including exchange students), internship students, faculty, postdoctoral, and their family on campus. Please note these non-credit classes are paid-for courses. For fall semester, we are able to open four levels of Korean classes including the beginner’s class aimed for learning Korean alphabets, low-intermediate Korean, high-intermediate Korean and advanced Korean aimed for upper-level conversation.
  ♣ Open for
  Intern Students, Postdoctoral Researchers, GIST Faculty, Family living in GIST Housing
  ♣ Session Period: September3(Mon.)-December14(Fri.)(15weeks)
  ♣ Schedule
The date of final class is subject to change.
Date & Time
 Beginner (Korean)
Mon/Wed 10:30-12:00
College A
 Low-intermediate (Korean)
Tue/Thu 10:30-12:00
College A
 High-intermediate (Korean)
Mon/Wed 14:30-16:00
College A
 Advanced (Korean IV)
Mon/Wed 16:00-17:30
College A
                                                                                                               (Classroom will be announced.)


    * If you wish to take this class, please contact Professor Lee (sorimi7725@gist.ac.kr).
    If there are spaces available, you may be able to take the class.
    (These courses are originally for the graduate students. Thus, only available when there is vacancy.)
    * If you successfully complete your course, you can get a certificate. (optional)
  ♣ How to Apply
  1. Submit your application to the GIST LEC (College Building B #102) in person
 or via email (darin@gist.ac.kr)
  2. Deadline: September 14 (Fri.), 2018
  3. Class tuition: 100,000KRW per class (see application attached for details)
 * Interview will be conducted for all students on the first day of the class.
 * Class textbook or materials will be announced by the Korean professor.
  ♣ Further Information
    - Instructor : Dr. Sorim Lee (sorimi7725@gist.ac.kr)
    - Contact : Language Education Center, College B #102 (Tel.062-715-3702)


5169건 / 오늘 0
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