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[생명과학부 Seminar-10] 2018.4.5.(Thu) 4:00pm, Young-Kook Kim, PhD

  • 이정민
  • 등록일 : 2018.03.27
  • 조회수 : 3602

School of Life Sciences Seminar Series 2018 Spring Semester

Thu.,5 Apr.,4pm Jukhyun Bio Auditorium(RM.121)

Speaker | Young-Kook Kim, Ph.D.


Education / Experience

2000-2004 BS.,Biological Sciences, Seoul National University

2004 - 2010 Ph.D., Biological Sciences, Seoul National University

2010-2012 Postdoctoral fellow, RNA biology : Narry Kim Lab, School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University

2012-2014 Postdoctoral fellow, Center for RNA Research, Institute for Basic Science, Seoul National University

2014-present Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemisty, Chonnam National University Medical School

Research Interests

Regulation of small RNA biogenesis

Functional study of small RNAs

Biogenesis of noncoding

RNAs Functional study of long noncoding RNAs

Genome engineering

School of Life Sciences Seminar Series 2018 Spring Semester

Thu.,5 Apr.,4pm Jukhyun Bio Auditorium(RM.121)



There are various types of noncoding RNAs in human cells, including microRNA(miRNA), long noncoding RNA(IncRNA), and circular RNA(circRNA). They act as important regulators and exhibit a variety of biological funcions. We studied miRNA biogenesis pathway by removing key factors including Drosha, Exportin 5, and Dicer, Through the genome engineering technique, and compared the role of each protein in miRNA production. We further analyzed the transcription start site of miRNA using Drosha Knockout cell line, and identified transcription factor that may regulate the expression of miRNAs. Because many IncRNAs are expressed in human cells, we also try to indentify the roles of IncRNAs in diverse tissues. Moreover,recent studies suggested that various circRNAs are present in the cells. Because they have miRNA binding sites, we are studying the role of IncRNAs and cicRNAs in gene regulation process. These various types of noncoding RNAs are detected both inside and outside the cells. Especially, many miRNAs exists in human body fluids. Therefore, many studies try to use these miRNAs as molecular markers in diseases. We found that not only miRNAs but also circRNAs are present in blood, and analyzed the blood of leukemia patients to determine whether circRNAs can be used as a diagnostic marker. The studies of various RNAs will give us important insights to understand their roles in biological processes and help us to prevent and treat various diseases.

GIST 광주과학기술원 생명과학부

School of Life Sciences Seminar Series 2018 Spring Semester

School of Life Sciences Seminar Series 2018 Spring Semester

School of Life Sciences Seminar Series 2018 Spring Semester

5169건 / 오늘 0
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