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[LEC] English courses offering for GRADUATE international students

  • 최수인
  • 등록일 : 2023.08.18
  • 조회수 : 196

Dear graduate course international students,


By default, graduate course international students are exempt from English courses for graduation. However, we at the LEC have discovered some demand for our graduate English courses, so the LEC would like to give you an opportunity to take the English courses as an elective.

Any students wishing to take English courses as an elective should submit a Course Registration Request, which can be obtained from the course registration notice page, to the LEC admin (sijackie@gist.ac.kr) via email by the Add/Drop deadline each semester.

Take note that you do not have to ask for your advisor’s signature in person. Instead, ask your advisor via email, and send a copy of this confirmation email to the LEC Admin in addition to your completed Course Registration Request.

We believe our English courses will not only help your English skills, but will also play a pivotal role in your future research and studies.



For the Fall 2023 semester, we will be offering the following courses:

1. English I: Introduction to Academic Communication

- This is an introductory course designed to improve English proficiency in speaking and writing.

2-1. English II: Research Writing and Science and Engineering (pre-requisite: English I)

- This course is designed to prepare students for advanced academic writing with a focus on describing research as they would in theses and journal articles.

2-2. English II: Academic Presentation (pre-requisite: English I)

- This course helps students make appropriate language choices in academic and professional speaking situations and to provide students with opportunities to practice speaking in English.


Please keep the following in mind before taking our English courses.

1) Please consider your English level before choosing a course. We recommend a TOEIC score of at least 800 if you wish to skip English I and proceed to English II. If you are concerned about your proficiency or the difficulty of the course, please consult with an instructor.

2) Even though these courses are pass/fail with 0 credit, you should do your best to complete the course. Once you register for the course, make sure that your attendance and grades meet the requirements to pass the course because it will appear on your transcript.

3) Please send your Course Registration Request and advisor’s confirmation email to the LEC admin (sijackie@gist.ac.kr) via email. First come, first served. The seats are not guaranteed and will be based on availability.

Your interest in our English courses is always appreciated.

Thank you.


Best regards,

Language Education Center

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