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[언어교육센터] 2017 봄학기 영어워크숍(3차): "Writing in Cursive"

  • 정명하
  • 등록일 : 2017.03.16
  • 조회수 : 3428

20 I 7 LEC Spring Workshop Writing in Cuisine Jennifer Manning ABOUT THIS WORKSHOP Cursive is a style of writing that allows you to join letters in a connected and flowing manner. Although it may be aesthetically pleasing, the general purpose of cursive is to write faster without having to lift your pen. In this workshop, students will learn the basics aboutthis elegant note- taking technique and create their own personal signatures. WHEN &WHERE? 2017/03/24 (Friday) 1:00pm"2:30pm College A Room 107 CONTACT us Info: https://|anguage.gist.ac.kr/workshop/ Phone: 062-715-37023월 24일 2017 봄학기 제 3회 영어 워크숍을 개최합니다.

관심 있는 학생들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.


* 일정: 3월 24일 금요일

* 시간: 오후 1시 ~ 2시 30분

* 장소: 대학 A동 107호

* 워크숍 주제: Writing in Cursive

* 정원: 20명(선착순 마감)

* 담당: Jennifer Manning


* 신청방법: https://language.gist.ac.kr/에서 워크숍 일정 확인 후 Registration 신청

               메뉴 상단 > Special Program > Workshops > Current Topics & Schedule

* 문의사항: T. 3702


 20 I 7 LEC Spring Workshop Writing in Cuisine Jennifer Manning ABOUT THIS WORKSHOP Cursive is a style of writing that allows you to join letters in a connected and flowing manner. Although it may be aesthetically pleasing, the general purpose of cursive is to write faster without having to lift your pen. In this workshop, students will learn the basics aboutthis elegant note- taking technique and create their own personal signatures. WHEN &WHERE? 2017/03/24 (Friday) 1:00pm

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