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[Business Incubator] GIST Sprint for Start-up Program

  • 이수영
  • 등록일 : 2014.07.30
  • 조회수 : 4240

- GIST Business Incubator -

GIST Sprint for Start-up Program

Prep Student Entrepreneur Recruitment


This is to announce the recruitment of prep student entrepreneurs regarding GIST Sprint for Start-up Program which aims to provide those who have promising business items with support such as making up a start-up team and business management experience in practice as well as other entrepreneurial activity such as prototyping, market research, which leads to successful business start-up of participants.


July 28, 2014


The head of Business Incubator in GIST




◆ Application Period : July 28, 2014 (Mon) ~ August 1, (Fri) by 17:00


◆ Volume of Recruitment


  ▶ Approx. 10 teams of GIST students with a bachelor, master, doctor’s degree (either as an individual or a team)

     * Start-up team can be made of max. 4 people including a representative.  One person should be a representative that cannot be changed.

    * Winners and those who had a final presentation in 2014 GIST Start-up Idea competition will be given preference



            ◆ Volume of Support


               ▶ 10 teams / around 10million won for each team



            ◆ Procedure and Evaluation Schedule 


Notice for the Entrepreneurs




Selection procedure


Conclusion of Agreement

Notice on the website of GIST

Evaluation for business plan

· In-depth Interview

    · Presentation Evaluation

· Final Selection

· Notice

· Conclusion of Agreement



            ◆ Inquiry


             ▶ Business Incubator(062-715-2596) / venture@gist.ac.kr


           ** Please refer to the attached recruitment notice for detail 

5169건 / 오늘 0
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열람중 [Business Incubator] GIST Sprint for Start-up Program 이수영 2014-07-30 4241 첨부파일 다운로드
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