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[채용공고]국제환경분석교육연구소 포스닥 채용공고

  • 강유리
  • 등록일 : 2013.01.24
  • 조회수 : 4440

Postdoctoral Fellow)


International Environmental Analysis and Education Center (IEAEC) at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), is operating the Joint Programme on Science and Technology for Sustainability as an Associated Institution of United Nations University (UNU). The main functions of the Joint Programme include research, post-graduate training, information dissemination and advisory services on environmental sustainability.

The IEAEC launched a full-fledged research programme in January, 2004 under the guidance of the UNU headquarters.


The research programme is focused on three key aspects of sustainability:

a) environmental monitoring and assessment technologies,

b) development of cleaner and future-oriented technologies and

c) development of remedial technologies

These research activities will be linked to on-going research projects at UNU and GIST. We are seeking up to a postdoctoral fellow with expertise in specific areas to work in a team to fully implement the research agenda.


Job Description

The research fellow in IEAEC research team will be a dynamic person who plays a leading role in defining the research agenda. The research fellow will also be expected to take some responsibilities in the administrative management of programme.

The successful candidate will be offered a one-year contract, with the possibility of renewal subject to availability of funds and satisfactory performance. Monthly salary is negotiable, depending on experience and qualifications.


Position Requirements:

- ; Ph.D. in environment related fields, and preferably experienced in the monitoring of trans-boundary pollutants

- ; Experience with international organizations and in research/project management capacity is desired

- ; Proficiency in English (spoken, written and comprehension): knowledge of other UN languages

- ; Recognized and published research work (in English)

- ; Prior research and project management experience related to Air, water, and soil pollution monitoring

- ; Knowledge of international environmental issues and role of the United Nations system is a plus


Requirements for Application:

Applications including a cover letter and curriculum vitae should be sent by e-mail at the address below. All material should be submitted in English.


Expiration : Jan, 31. 2013


Results will be sent to applicants by e-mail.


UNU & GIST Joint Programme

Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology

Gwangju 500-712, Korea

Tel. 82-62-715-3366, Fax. 82-62-715-3394

E-mail : deliciousdream@gist.ac.kr

Homepage : http://www.ists.unu.edu


5169건 / 오늘 0
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