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[생명과학부 대학원생들이 초청하는 세미나-2] 2020.1.9.(Thu.) 김은준 교수 (IBS, KAIST)

  • 김현진
  • 등록일 : 2020.01.06
  • 조회수 : 2864

생명과학부 대학원생들이 초청하는 세미나 시리즈 Thursday 4:00 PM 9 January Jukhyun Bio Auditorium(RM.121) NMDA receptor dysfunction and sexual dimorphism in mouse models of autism 두 번째 연사 김은준 박사 1 소속 기초과학연구원(IBS) 시냅스뇌질환연구단장 KAIST 교수 6 Host 생명과학부 학생회 0101: English 학력 1991 – 1994 Michigan State University, Dept of Pharmacology and Toxicology 박사 1986 – 1988 한국과학기술원 생물과학과 석사 1982-1986 부산대학교 약학과 학사 경력 2012 – 현재 기초과학연구원(IBS) 시냅스뇌질환연구단장 2000 - 현 재 KAIST 생명과학과 조교수, 부교수, 교수 2003 - 2012. 시냅스생성 창의연구단장 1997 - 2000 부산대학교 약학과 전임강사, 조교수 1995 - 1997 Harvard Medical School, Dept of Neurobiology and Howard Hughes Medical Institute 박사 후 연구원 1988-1991 생명공학연구소 유전자은행 연구원 Abstract Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) represent a group of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by impaired social and communication deficits and restricted and repetitive behaviors. ASDs are four times more common in males than in females for unknown reasons. Although a large number of ASD-related genetic variations have been identified, only a small number of them have been verified for their causality by approaches including mouse genetics. In addition, neuronal, synaptic, and circuit mechanisms underlying the development of ASDs remain largely unknown. Recently, NMDA receptor dysfunction has been suggested to underlie ASDs, but it remains unclear how general this hypothesis could be and how early the pathophysiology begins during the development of the brain. In addition, little is known about the mechanisms underlying the male preponderance in ASDs even at the level of mouse models of ASD. In this presentation, I will discuss the temporal aspects of NMDA receptor dysfunctions and sexually dimorphicphenotypesin mouse models of ASD. 광주과학기술원 생명과학부 Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology School of Life Sciences

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