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Students are the heart and soul of GIST


광주과학기술원 총장 초빙공고(Presidential Search Announcement for GIST)

  • 황인호
  • 등록일 : 2018.11.21
  • 조회수 : 9523

광주과학기술원 총장 초빙공고

광주과학기술원(GIST)은 광주과학기술원법(법률 4580)에 의거 고급과학기술 인재양성을 위해 1993년 설립된 정부출연 연구중심대학입니다. 25년이라는 길지 않은 시간동안 GIST는 국내 최고 수준의 대학으로 발돋움하였습니다QS 세계대학평가 교수 1인당 논문 피인용수 부문에서 4년 연속 세계 Top 3, 11년 연속 국내 1위를 달성하는 등 세계 최고 수준의 연구역량을 갖추고 있습니다. 2010년 학사과정을 설치하여 국내 이공계 대학으로는 최초로인문소양을 갖춘 융합인재를 양성하는 Liberal Arts College를 운영하고 있습니다세계로 뻗어나가는 GIST의 미래를 함께할비전과 리더십을 갖춘 총장을 모십니다.


□ 지원자격

∙ 광주과기원을 대표하여 업무를 집행하고교직원을 총괄할 수 있는 인격과 능력을 구비한 자

∙ 광주과기원을 세계일류 연구중심대학원 대학으로 발전시킬 수 있는 행정력과 실천력을 겸비한 자

∙ 광주과기원의 교육·연구 기반시설을 획기적으로 증진시킬 역량을 갖춘 자

∙ 내외부 소통능력이 우수하고 청렴성과 도덕성 등 윤리의식이 건전한 자

∙ 정관 제19조의 결격사유에 해당되지 아니한 자(하단 참조)


□ 제출서류 (※ 제출된 서류는 반환하지 않음)

   ∙ 신청서 및 지원서 각 1(소정양식)

   ∙ 지원자 사전 질문서 1

   ∙ 주요업적 및 경력소개서 1(A4 5매 내외)

   ∙ 기관발전 및 경영계획서 1(A4 5매 내외)

   ∙ 개인정보 제공 동의서 1

□ 제출방법 직접 또는 등기우편 송부 (e-mail 접수는 불가함)

□ 제출기한 : 2018. 12. 10() 18:00 (우편접수는 마감시간 도착분에 한함)


□ 접수처 (61005) 광주광역시 북구 첨단과기로 123(오룡동)

광주과학기술원 이사회 사무국(기획혁신팀)


□ 문의 : (Tel.) 062-715-2975 (Fax) 062-715-2979

             www.gist.ac.kr   (e-mail) board@gist.ac.kr


2018. 11. 21.


정관 제19조 결격사유 : 1. 금치산자한정치산자또는 파산의 선고를 받고 복권되지 아니한 자 / 2. 금고 이상의 형을 받고 그 집행이 종료되거나 또는 집행을 받지 아니하기로 확정된 후 3년이 경과하지 아니한 자/3. 금고 이상의 형을 받고 그 집행유예기간이 종료된 날부터 1년을 경과하지 아니한 자/4. 금고 이상의 형의 선고유예를 받은 경우는 그 선고유예기간 중에 있는 자/5. 법령에 의하여 징계면직의 처분을 받은 후 2년을 경과하지 아니한 자

광주과학기술원 이사장

Presidential Search Announcement

for the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)



The Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) is a Korean government-funded, research-oriented institute founded in 1993 to educate the next-generation of researchers in advanced science and technology in accordance with the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Legislation (Act No. 4580). Over the past 25 years, GIST has quickly become one of the most distinguished universities in Korea with its globally recognized research capabilities, which allowed it to be ranked in the top three in the world for the fourth consecutive year and first in Korea for the eleventh consecutive year in terms of citations-per-faculty member (QS World University Rankings). GIST College was established in 2010, becoming the first science and engineering college in Korea to have a liberal arts-based curriculum to provide undergraduate students with a broad humanities background. GIST now invites all qualified persons to apply for the position of President of the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology to lead the future of GIST on a global scale with vision and inspiration.

□ Requirements of Applicants

∙ Be able to carry out all official duties of and on behalf of GIST

∙ Be able to supervise the faculty and staff of GIST with exemplary professionalism

∙ Be able to further develop GIST as a world-renowned research institute through superb administrative and managerial abilities

∙ Be able to further develop and enhance the educational and research infrastructure of GIST

∙ Must have and maintain unimpeachable standards of ethics, integrity, and morality

∙ Must have excellent written and spoken communication skills

∙ Must not fall under the purview of Article 19 of the GIST Regulations (see below)

□ Required Documents (※ Note: submitted documents will not be returned.)

   ∙ One copy of Application Form and Resume (prescribed form)

   ∙ One copy of Pre-Questionnaire for Applicants

   ∙ One copy of Major Career Achievements and Description (About 5 pages, A4 size)

   ∙ One copy of Institutional Development and Management Plan (About 5 pages, A4 size)

   ∙ One copy of Privacy Policy Consent Agreement

□ Submission Method: In person or by registered mail (do not send via e-mail)

□ Submission Deadline: Monday, December 10, 2018 (Mon) 18:00

(Registered mail must arrive before the deadline.)

□ Where to Submit

(61005) 339, Board of Directors Secretariat (Planning Innovation Team), Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Cheomdangwagi-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju, Republic of Korea

□ Inquiry : (Tel.) +82 62-715-2975 (Fax) +82 62-715-2979

www.gist.ac.kr (e-mail) board@gist.ac.kr


November 21, 2018


Article 19 of the GIST Regulations for Disqualifications : 1. A person who was judged to be incompetent, quasi-incompetent, or insolvent, and has not been reinstated; 2. A person who was sentenced to a punishment of imprisonment or harsher, if three years have not passed since the completion of imprisonment or the judgement of acquittal; 3. A person who was sentenced to a punishment of imprisonment of harsher, if one year has not passed since the end of the probationary period; 4. A person who was sentenced to a punishment of imprisonment or harsher, and is still in the period of conditional release; and 5. A person who received a disposition of disciplinary dismissal under the laws, if two years have not passed since the disposition


Chairperson of the Board of Directors 

for the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)