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[(재)차세대수치예보모델개발사업단] 2023년도 상시채용 공고

  • 이하늘
  • 등록일 : 2023.05.03
  • 조회수 : 103

[재]차세대수치예보모델개발사업단 KIAPS, The Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction System 2023년 연구직 상시채용 공고 (재)차세대수치모델개발사업단에서 근무할 직원의 채용을 다음과 같이 공고하오니 성실 하고 유능한 인재 여러분들의 많은 응모 바랍니다. 접수일정/Date - 책임급, 선임급 2023. 4. 8.~5. 16. 원급 2023년 4월 26일 (재)차세대수치모델개발사업단장 2023. 4. 30.~5. 16. 접수방법/Submission 개별 이메일 접수/by email 2023년도 KIAPS 채용분야 채용 직종 채용 분야 채용직급 채용 인원 자료동화 개발 및 분석 책임급연구원 1 물리과정 선임급연구원 1 연구 물리과정 및 결합모델 개발 원급연구원 1 자료동화, 동화기법, 진단 모델체계 원급연구원 1 원급연구원 1 ※ 상세 내용은 KIAPS 홈페이지 www.kiaps.org 채용정보 및 첨부파일을 확인해주시기 바랍니다. 기타 상세한 사항은 담당자(연락처: 02-6480-6321. 전자우편 ecruit @kiaps.org)에게 문의하시기 바랍니다. 2023 KIAPS Job Openings Number of Type Task Title Openings Senior Research Data Assimilation Development 1 Research Professionals Scientist Physical Processes Research Scientist 1 * More detailed job descriptions are provided in the KLAPS website, www.kiaps.org and attached files. For inquiry, please contact the following +82-2-6480-6321.recruit@kiaps.org

KAPS KIAPS, The Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction System Job Openings for Research Professionals The Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS) is a research institution based in Seoul, established in 2011 to lead development of the core operational NWP systems for the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). The first KIAPS global NWP system was made operational at KMA in April 2020, and is now providing forecast skill that is comfortably within the range of the world's leading NWP centers. In collaboration with developers at KMA, approximately 80 scientific and technical staff at KIAPS are now developing a full Earth system NWP capability aiming at the extended medium range, and also a high-resolution NWP capability for short- range forecasting over East Asia. KIAPS developed a non-hydrostatic global model called KIM (Korea Integrated Model) on a cubed sphere grid. The KIM runs 4 times a day with 12-day forecasts at 00 and 12UTC, and 3-day forecasts at 06 and 18 UTC at Korea Meteorological Administration. Considering the scalability in a distributed computing environment and load balancing over polar regions, KIAPS applied the spectral element method for horizontal discretization of the nonhydrostatic govering equations, a finite difference method for vertical discretization, and a time-split RK3 integration scheme for time integration. The next step is to develop a limited-area version of the dynamical core with one-way nesting, and to compare the limited-area version with a variable-resolution core based on the Schmidt transformation in terms of accuracy, stability, flexibility, and economy. You would be expected to take part in the development of the one-way nested version of the dynamical core, and then comparative studies with the stretched-grid core, including the interface with physics package. KIAPS is a relatively new and compact institution, and is one of the few organizations in the world that has direct responsibility for the development of operational NWP systems for a national weather service, with a large degree of autonomy in decision making. Thus, a KIAPS scientist can have a major influence on NWP systems that have a direct impact on society, while developing their profile and publication record as a researcher. While most of KIAPS's business is conducted in Korean, English-language levels are generally high amongst the research staff, so scientists who are fluent in English but have little or no knowledge of the Korean language should find the language barrier to be a relatively small concern. The KIAPS administration team includes English-speaking staff who are ready to help organize work visas, living arrangements, and soon. The KIAPS offices are located in an attractive part of central Seoul, with excellent local facilities and first-class transportlinks to other parts of Seoul and beyond. For general information about KIAPS. please visit our Korean and English-language home page at www.kiaps.org. Applications should be emailed to recruit@kiaps.org, which is also the contact point for general enquires about KIAPS or the application process Date 2023. 4. 8. ~ 5. 16. 2023 KIAPS Job Openigs Field Title April 26th, 2023 Director of KIAPS Number of Openings Data Assimilation Development Senior Research Scientist 1 Physical Processes Research Scientist *More detailed job descriptions are provided in the KIAPS website, www.kiaps.org and attached files. 1