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Call for Applications for the Associate Director Position of “Center for Nanoparticle Research” in the Institute for Basic Science (IBS)

  • 홍인덕
  • 등록일 : 2016.02.01
  • 조회수 : 1141

고용형태 정규직 채용구분경력
채용기간2016.01.28 ~ 2016.03.09
IBS invites applications for the position of Associate Directors who are senior-level researchers with high research potentials, running own research group in collaboration with the directors within their Research Centers

1. Introduction of the research center
- Over last two decades, many scientists have studied various novel methods to synthesize uniform nanoparticles in shapes and sizes and to control their properties. Besides those studies, huge efforts to apply nanomaterials in various fields have been made based on marvelous technological advances in the nanomaterial synthesis and assembly. As a result, nanomaterials play a significant role in biotechnology, clinical medicine, and electronics/optoelectronics.
- The goal of Center for Nanoparticle Research (CNR) is to make a paradigm shift in nanotechnology by applying uniform nanoparticles and their assembly. The goal would be fulfilled by promoting interdisciplinary research in medicine and electronics and developing novel optimized systems based on nanotechnology. The top-notch research teams at the Center focus on the development of soft bio-integrated devices to realize a remote patient monitoring for personalized treatment. Another research focus is to apply device technologies in clinical medicine. The Center for Nanoparticle Research will establish itself as a center for world-class research in the field of nanomaterials and their applications to electronics and clinical medicine.
- (for more information) http://nanomat.ibs.re.kr

2. Job description
- Associate directors will serve important roles in assisting the founding director to achieve goals of CNR as well as directing his or her own research group within the center. The specific fields of research solicited for the associate director are (i) Soft Bioelectronics using Nanomaterials and (ii) Nanoparticle-integrated deformable Electronics. Applicants should have strong records of (i) scholarly achievement at the national and international level, (ii) funding for interdisciplinary-based research, and (iii) evidence of leadership capability in his/her research field. The candidates are expected to have experience managing a large research group and/or program in an academic institution (or equivalent agency or institute aiming at state-of-the-art researches) and be able to articulate a strong vision to further the research and outreach programs in CNR.

3. Requirements for the position
- Research Areas for the Position:
Soft bioelectronics using nanomaterials / Nanoparticle-integrated deformable electronics
- All candidates must be able to commit themselves completely in the long-term to IBS research activities.
- All candidates must be able to manage their respective research groups.
- The candidate should have a Ph.D. in chemistry, materials science, biology, medicine or related fields.
- The candidate should be recognized as one of leaders in the international community of his or her research field.
- The candidate should be fluent enough with the relevant scientific and policy issues to be a highly credible representative of the Center among audiences ranging from the general public to the uppermost levels of scientists and policy-makers. The position calls for vision, breadth, and good judgment; proven intellectual leadership skills; a keen sense of public policy, as well as demonstrated financial and staff management experience.
- The candidates must have the ability to work independently while integrating themselves effectively into a teamwork environment. Strong interpersonal, organizational and communication skills, both oral and written, are therefore essential.

4. Offer
- Authority to run his/her own research team
- Sizable independent research budget
- Tenured or permanent position in Seoul National University

5. General Selection Procedure
① Recruitment of applicants by public advertisement
② Selection of candidates for in-depth evaluation
③ Symposium and in-depth interview by review panel
④ Decision by the SEC(Selection & Evaluation Committee) about recommendation
⑤ Negotiation with director
⑥ Appointment by the president

6. Application Submission
- Please fill out the ‘Application Form’ in English and email it as a single PDF file to adapply@ibs.re.kr no later than March 9th, 2016.
- E-mail title should include ‘Name of Applicant’ and ‘Name of the Research Center’

[ Contact Information ]
KO Youngwook, Research Evaluation Team
Division of Research Service
Institute for Basic Science
70, Yuseong-daero 1689-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea 305-811
Tel. No.: +82-42-878-8142
Fax No.: +82-42-878-8065
Email: young@ibs.re.kr
* For more information, please visit IBS website (www.ibs.re.kr).

7. Download links for ‘Application Form’ and ‘FAQ’
- Application Form: Click here to download
- FAQ: Click here to download
원문 URLhttp://www.ibs.re.kr/prog/recruit/kor/sub04_01/view.do?pageIndex=1&searchCondition=&searchKeyword=&idx=415