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Full Time Researcher Recruitment(Foreigner Only,ETRI)

  • 이승재
  • 등록일 : 2011.10.31
  • 조회수 : 2683

 2011 Fall Full Time Researcher Recruitment (Foreigner Only)

1. About ETRI

The Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute is a research institute in Daedeok Science Town in Daejeon. Established in 1976, ETRI is a non-profit government-funded research institute that has been at the forefront of technological excellence for more than 25 years. ETRI has successfully developed information technologies such as TDX-Exchange, High Density Semiconductor Microchips, Mini-Super Computer (TiCOM), Digital Mobile Telecommunication System (CDMA), and High Speed Data Transfer at 3 Gbit/s rate with 12 patents to its credit.


2. About the Job

ETRI is looking for a talented Researcher for our facility. The right candidate will be placed to the applied the research team. The researcher will be work for five days forty hours per a week.


(1) Position: Researcher (Contract employee about 2 years)

(2) No. of Vacancies: 2

(3) Areas of recruitment

- Major: Software, English, Linguistics, Teaching ESL, EE(Electrical & Electronics)

- Areas of recruitment: (Please look at our ETRI website ) or see attachment

ETRI Web site (www.etri.re.kr/eng) "Position Open"

(4) Eligibility

-Education : Above Associate degree required. Must have related research output


2. Process

- 1st : Application received

- 2nd : Screening documentation

- 3rd : Interview (Area of expertise + HR)


3. Required Documents

Application, 1 copy Please use our format (Download)

Cover letter, 1 copy

Recommendation letter from professor, 1 copy each

Certification of your last degree or Certification of schedule to be graduation, 1 copy

Transcript of each college, Master, and Ph D, 1 copy each

Last degree’s thesis paper or and research achievements (ex, SCI, patent, publication), 1 copy each

Certificate of related work experience 1 copy each (those who has)

Proof of language skill (Japanese, Chinese, German, French, Spanish) 1 copy each (those who has)

Any incompletion or false information can lead to cancellation.


4. Deadline for submission and Contact information

- Deadline: 2011.10.26. ~ 2011.11.08.

(Only will be accepted which was arrived until 18:00 )

- How to: Accept only by Postal Mail or Visiting to our office (Can not be accept by online)

-Where:  (305-700) 대전시 유성구 가정로 218 한국전자통신연구원 인사관리팀

외국인 채용담당자 앞

       218 Gajeongno ETRI (Personnel Resources Management Team), Yuseong-gu,

Daejeon, 305-700, South Korea

- Who: ETRI Personnel Resources Management Team, Young Lee

(yongrang@etri.re.kr, 042-860-0913)

If you have any questions, Please check our web FAQ for more information.



5. ETC

- Those who haven"t submit the original due to circumstance, need to be verified until the interview, certifications, transcript as well as recommendation letter.

- All applicant’s papers shall not be return, except those who have sent the original copy.

- For more detail, check our website http://www.etri.re.kr/eng/