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Media Center

A multimedia mosaic of moments at GIST



  • 유효열
  • REG_DATE : 2023.07.24
  • HIT : 228








[Section of Student Services]


1. Purpose

A. G-SURF stands for GIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship. Benchmarking Caltech's SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship), GIST provides opportunities for undergraduate sophomores to seniors to gain experience in conducting research tasks in graduate laboratories.

B. By experiencing laboratory life while being mentored by an academic advisor, students practice applying basic scientific principles and knowledge to actual research (cultivation of creativity and problem-solving skills) and acquire the qualities required for researchers (cultivation of communication skills and cooperative spirit).


2. Outline

A. Eligibility: A total of around 70 undergraduate students in their 2nd to 4th year.

B. Faculty Mentor: Faculty mentor volunteers will be solicited by announcing the G-SURF information to all regular faculty members.

C. Maximum Number of Participating Students per Faculty: Up to 2 students per faculty

D. Research Period: The G-SURF start date is Mid-June. Students carry out the work over a 8-week period (excluding one week vacation period) during the summer.

If you plan to take summer semester classes or other programs at the same time, you must submit your application after consulting with your potential mentor faculty in advance.

E. Award: Fellows will receive a 600,000 award for the eight-week period, of which 300,000 won is paid by their mentor professor and 300,000 won by the Section of Student Services.

F. Expectations & Requirements

- To conduct research in person. Remote projects are not allowed.

- To participate in the project for the full eight-week period, based on agreement with the mentor

- To submit an abstract of their project approved by the mentor (by the last week of the research period)

- To submit a written technical report approved by the mentor (by the last week of the research period)

- To participate in the Poster Session on the designated date

G. In mid-to-late July (approximately 4 weeks of participation in G-SURF), an interim evaluation by the mentor is conducted, and research may be suspended depending on the evaluation results after evaluation.


3. How to apply

Applicants should directly contact the potential mentor with a research proposal. Upon receiving a positive response, the applicant submits an application in May to the Section of Student Services with the details of the agreement attached.


4. Annual Schedule




Reaching out to potential mentors

Early-Mid May

Section of Student Services

Notice to students


Section of Student Services

To ask for mentorship and to submit an application/

Announcement of results

Late May

Students/Section of Student Services


Early-Mid June

Students, Section of Student Services


Mid-late June ~ Mid-late August


To pay research support

July 23

August 23

Section of Student Services, Mentor

-> Students

To submit an abstract of the project and a written technical report

Mid-late August


Poster Session

Late August to early September



5. Inquiries: Section of Student Services (T. 3620, E-mail: sservice@gist.ac.kr)