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President.s Message Welcomes You!


About the procedure of application verification(recommendation letters marked as "Unsubmitted")

  • GIST graduate Admissions
  • REG_DATE : 2023.10.11
  • HIT : 2147

Dear Applicants of 2024 spring semester,

Thank you for applying GIST graduate program.

As the deadline(Oct. 13th)is approaching, there are thousands of incoming applications.

Applications are being verified sequentially in the order of submission.

Once you finished the submission of the application, we check if all the required documents are correctly submitted.

If there are missing or wrong documents(including recommendation letters), we send the request email for the supplement.

Even though your recommendation letters have already been arrived, it could be marked as "Unsubmitted" for the above reason.

Since there are too many applications coming to us, it may take some time to reach out to your application.

If you have made a final submission, please wait until the further notice.

Please finish the submission of your application.

Once again, all the documents including letter of recommendation must be submitted by the deadline(Oct. 13th)

Thank you!