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President.s Message Welcomes You!


To Remind Applicants of Two Recommendation Letters

  • GIST Admission
  • REG_DATE : 2024.10.08
  • HIT : 1336

We receive recommendation letters only electronically through Google Forms from the referees you register on GIST online application system. 

In the online application form, you will be required to fill in the information of your referees. Then, if you click the “Send a Recommendation Form” button, each of the two referees will receive an automated email regarding how to upload a recommendation letter through the Google Forms.

Before you click the button, please double-check the referees’ email addresses are correct. If those are not correct, your referees cannot receive the automated email from GIST.  

Referees must use the designated recommendation form and upload their recommendation letters on Google Forms by the application deadline. 

People who have worked closely with you in either academic or professional field such as faculty members or work supervisors are eligible for writing the recommendation letter. 

If the referee information you entered in the online application form or the submitted recommendation letter is found to be false or counterfeit, GIST reserves the right to revoke your admission or withdraw an offer of admission even after having graduated from GIST.