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President.s Message Welcomes You!


[Zoom Live] Briefing Sessions of GIST Graduate Admissions for 2022 Fall Semester!

  • 입학팀
  • REG_DATE : 2022.02.04
  • HIT : 1529

Greetings from the team of GIST Graduate Admissions! 웃음

We are planning to have ZOOM live for expectant graduate admission applicants.

It will be appreciated if you come to join our briefing session and explore GIST's excellent scholarship and support.

You will also meet our current students in the meeting.

Date & Time 

 ▶ 1 : Friday, February 11th at 3 PM (KST)

Even though you join the meeting directly via the Zoom link, you MUST fill the  google survey form down below. 

If you are not on the list(google date), you might not be accepted to the Zoom meeting.


TITLE: Feb 11th, Zoom meeting invitation - GIST Admission team

TIME: 2022년 2월 11일  03:00 오후 서울

Direct Zoom link


ID: 955 9112 3666

PW: gist

 ▶ 2 : Friday, March 4th at 3 PM (KST)

TITLE: Zoom meeting invitation - GIST Admission님의 Zoom 회의

2022년 MARCH 4일  03:00 PM KST 서울



ID: 919 2019 6297

PW: 8282

 ▶ 3 : Friday, March 11th at 10 AM (KST)

GIST Admission이(가) 예약된 Zoom 회의에 귀하를 초대합니다.

주제: Zoom meeting invitation - GIST Admission님의 Zoom 회의

시간: 2022년 3월 11일  10:00 오전 서울

Zoom 회의 참가


회의 ID: 999 1348 0956

암호: 131020

 ▶ 4 : Friday, March 18th at 6 : 30 PM (KST)

GIST Admission이(가) 예약된 Zoom 회의에 귀하를 초대합니다.

주제: Zoom meeting invitation - GIST Admission님의 Zoom 회의

시간: 2022년 3월 18일  06:30 오후 서울

Zoom 회의 참가


회의 ID: 955 5760 2369

암호: gist

Participate in google survey



▶ International Graduate Admissions

Min Yeong, Ha (+82)62 715 3951 / 편지 admis@gist.ac.kr)

Thank you!

GIST International Graduate Admission