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[화학과+생명과학부 Seminar] 11/14(Thu) 15:00 / Dr. Seung Joong, Kim (UCSF)

  • 장인경
  • 등록일 : 2013.11.08
  • 조회수 : 3806

- Seminar Notice -


 * Date :  2013. 11. 14 (Thu), 15:00


 * Place : Life Science Building, Jukhyun Bio Auditorium (1F)


 * Speaker :  Dr.Seung Joong, Kim

                   (Dept. of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, University of California at Sanfrancisco)


 * Title :  Intergrative Modeling of a Major Scaffold Component in the Nuclear Pore complex, and the SEA (Seh1-associated) complex


 * Host : Prof. Yoonsoo Pang 

 * Language : English



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