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2017 GFN Summer Tour ( Muan Lotus Festival)

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2017.07.25
  • HIT : 1925


Join us for the 2017 GFN Free Tour Event, Muan Lotus Festival.

 Saturday to Sunday, August 12th to 13th, we explore the fully bloomed white lotuses at the Muan White Lotus Pond, a unique opportunity to experience a special place rarely opened to the public. Also, we will provide free bus rides, foods, and refreshments.


 If you want to join us, please fill in the attached registration form and send it to yj@gfn.or.kr Pre-registration is necessary for participation.


Date : Saturday or Sunday, August 12th or 13th (Choose 1 date)

Time : 9:00pm - 17:00pm

Pick up location : Yang-rim Police Station

-> 410, Cheonbyeonjwa-ro, Nam-gu, Gwangju

Information : www.facebook.com/gfnradio or www.gfn.or.kr