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2015-1 Conducting Course Evaluation (Period: "15.06.01.~06.14.)

  • 이나영
  • REG_DATE : 2015.05.29
  • HIT : 1350

- Notification of Conducting Course Evaluation

       for the Spring Semester 2015 -   



Evaluation PurposeBy collecting student"s opinions about the total activities offered in each subject for the 2015 Spring Semester, course evaluation will be used to help improve and develop the quality of the GIST education service, teaching methodology, and to ultimately offer better lectures.


 Evaluation Period: 2015.06.01(Mon.) ~ 06.14(Sun.), for 2 weeks


※ How to Evaluate: ZEUS homepage

                                  Click https://zeus.gist.ac.kr/ZEUS/→ Log in

                                  → Register for Courses→ Evaluation for Classes


Notice: All students must fulfill "Course Evaluation" for the Spring Semester 2015 by June 14, Sunday. If you don"t evaluate your taking lectures during evaluation period, you won"t find out your grades until July 14.