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GIST Wartime Preparedness Exercise Schedule

  • 엘리스 리
  • REG_DATE : 2015.07.30
  • HIT : 1455

2015 Ulchi Focus Lens: Wartime Preparedness Exercise

We are asking for every GIST members’ cooperation during the 2015 Ulchi Focus Lens (UFL), which is a military exercise focusing on how the South Korean and U.S. forces would work together to defend against a potential North Korean attack and to ensure our national security. The 2015 UFL is intended to improve countermeasures against possible military contingencies. This year, UFL will conduct a cyber-terror attack simulation as well as training exercises to evaluate wartime preparedness procedures.

During this exercise, GIST’s goal is to improve practical crisis-response measures and to practice emergency preparedness training, such as making an emergency alert to the GIST community, establishing an emergency command center, reorganizing the school for wartime conditions, providing important lectures regarding security, collecting emergency blood-donation, and implementing countermeasures against a simulated cyber-terror attack. 

Therefore, to gain the most benefit from the 2015 UFL, I ask for your complete and spontaneous participation during these emergency preparedness exercises. Thank you for your assistance and for promoting science and technology at GIST.

Yong Don Park,
GIST Security Chief 

Participants: All GIST Members

Dates: August 17 and 18 (Monday and Tuesday)

Note: GIST members do not have to participate on Wednesday or Thursday.

2015 Ulchi Focus Lens Schedule: Wartime Preparedness Procedures and Practice

Aug. 17 (Mon) Aug. 18 (Tues) Aug. 19 (Wed) Aug. 20 (Thur) 
 · Emergency Alert

· Initial Situation Report

· Establishing a Command Center

· Wartime Reorganization

· Mapping Exercise

 · Daily Report

· Major Contingency Discussion

· Security Lecture

· Emergency Blood-Collection Exercise

· Mapping Exercise

 Civil Air Defense Exercise Conclusion