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[Facilities Management] Announcement on Happy Farm Allotment

  • 정명식
  • REG_DATE : 2014.10.15
  • HIT : 1253

As the Section of Facilities Management receives a number of inquiries regarding the past history of and future plans for the allotment of Happy Farm, we would like to share the following information with all members of the GIST community.


Original Allotment (July 2013)

*183 original applications received for 126 lots

*126 original applicants selected by lottery

*57 original applicants put on waiting list


Supplementary Allotments (January & August 2014)

*33 lots not in use for 6 months reclaimed

*33 original applicants selected from waiting list


Next Planned Allotment (Scheduled in January 2015)

*Lots not in use for 6 months to be reclaimed

*As of October 2014, 21 lots not in use (inspected monthly)

*As of October 2014, 10 original applicants still on waiting list

*Reclaimed lots to be first allotted to original applicants on waiting list

*For reclaimed lots available after that, new applications to be accepted


For more info, please call Section of Facilities Management at Ext. 2199.