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[PAP seminar/09.05.4:30.APRI#110] Overview of the Rare Isotope Science Project

  • 김유진
  • REG_DATE : 2012.09.03
  • HIT : 1115

PAP 2012-2 seminar


Date: 09.05(wed) PM 4:30

Place: APRI #110

Speaker: Jeon, Dong O (Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Division Of Accelerator Systems)

Title:  Overview of the Rare Isotope Science Project

Host: Prof. Hyyong Suk

Language: English




The Institute for Basic Science (IBS) was founded November, 2011 as the main institute of the International Science and Business Belt (ISBB) plan.

In the IBS, the Rare Isotope Science Project was launched December, 2011 to build a heavy ion accelerator based facility.

This facility is to support various science researches inlcuding nuclear science, material science, bio-medical sciance, nuclear data for next generation atomic energy, astrophysics etc.

General layout and system description of the accelerator facility are presented.