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Non-regular Korean Class, Spring 2012

  • 이시온
  • REG_DATE : 2012.02.10
  • HIT : 1553

Korean Class, Spring 2012

(Non-regular Class)



GIST Global Language Center is offering Korean class for GIST international students (including exchange students), internship students, faculty, postdoctoral, and their family on campus as well as non-GIST people. Please be noted these non-credit classes need to be a charge. For spring semester, we are able to open four level of Korean classes including the Hangul Class aimed for learning Korean alphabet, low-intermediate Korean, high-intermediate Korean and advanced Korean aimed for upper-level conversation.

Open for

Intern Students, Students, Postdoctoral, Inviting Researcher, GIST Faculty, Family living in GIST, and Non-GIST people


Class Information / Mar 5 (Tue) to June 14 (Thu) (15weeks)


Date & Time


Hangul Class(Beginner)

Tuesday Thursday 10:30~12:00


Low-intermediate Korean

Tuesday Thursday, 13:00~14:30


High-intermediate Korean

Tuesday Thursday, 14:30~16:00


Advanced Korean

Monday Wednesday 13:00~14:30


*TBA: The time will be announced.


How to Apply

1. Send your application to the GIST Language Center (lovely611@gist.ac.kr)

2. Applying Deadline: Mar 2, 2012      

3. Fee: 100,000won (For 15 weeks, 48hours) (Note: Students may purchase a book in GLC)


* Placement test will be conducted for all of the student on March 5, 2011


Further Information

1. Professor: Dr. Sorim Lee (Contact:sorimi7725@gist.ac.kr)

2. Class room: #508, GIST Business Incubator Building – B

3. Contact :  GLC Admin Office (Tel.062-715-2921, 2922)