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Submission of Theses(Dr : 6.7~15, Ms : 7.5~16)

  • 홍주경
  • REG_DATE : 2010.05.11
  • HIT : 1646

Submission of Theses 



1. Schedule

  (1) Doctor"s theses : 2010. 6. 7(Mon) ~ 15(Tue) 


  (2) Master"s theses : 2010. 7. 5(Mon) ~ 16(Fri)   

2. Submission Process of Theses

   (1) Logon to the library homepage (with student number) → (2) Online submission of Theses(Converted to PDF file) → (3) The library staff in charge of degree theses will check the content of the electronic file → (4) It is completely if the registration has been made successfully → (5) Print out the (Non-disclosure) Disclosure Agreement Form, Submission Confirmation Form.(printing unavailable before the registration is confirmed by the librarian) → (6) Submission to the Library


3. Documents and Place for Submission  


  (1) Documents : 
    (I)   Four copies of the printed Theses
    (II)  Submission Confirmation Form
   (III)(Non-disclosure) Disclosure Agreement Form
  (2) Place : Section of Library Services Office 103 in Building A of the library


  ※ You must submit the Theses Online and Offline.
  ※ The general rule is to disclose the degree Theses.

   (If you do not want to disclose your thesis, please write down the reasons and period of non-disclose, then get your advisor"s signature on the form.)
※ Disclosed Theses are placed on the library bookshelves and distributed to the National Library and Korean National Assembly Library.


☞ Queries : (☎  2085 library@gist.ac.kr)