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[Global Langauge Center] Register New TOEIC Lecture!

  • 이시온
  • REG_DATE : 2011.03.07
  • HIT : 3127

Register New TOEIC Lecture!


-      Given the lecture 100% in English

-      Aimed for TOEIC 700~800

-      Invited the professional and excellent instructor (Ms. Sirin Kim)


Registration Period: 7days from March 3 (Thu) to March 10 (Thu), 2011 (6pm)

Session Period: 12 weeks from March 18 (Fri) to June 4 (Sat)

Time & Place: Fri : 2pm-4pm, Sat : 4pm-6pm, Oryoung Hall #301

Who are eligible to register

- Students from a certain university which has the MoU with GIST

- All GIST students (undergraduates/graduates), researchers, faculty, and staff

- Strongly recommended for studnets under the conditional admission

Payment: 300,000won (3months)  - Available on divided payment

How to register

1.     Visit the GIST Global Language Center office, (#208, Administration Building)

2.     Fill out the application form

3.     Trial TOEIC Examination (2pm-4pm March 11, 2011 // #301, Oryoung Hall)

4.     Make a fee payment to the account specified when we inform the further notice.

For inquiries, please contact the GIST Global Language Center,

Ms. Sion Lee (Extension: 2026, Email:sionlee.korea@gmail.com)





-      100% 영어로 수업진행

-      3개월만에 토익700~800점 달성을 목표로 수업

-      토익전문 외부강사 특별 초청


◈ 신청기간: 2011 3 3 ~ 3 10 (오후 6시까지 신청)

◈ 운영기간: 12주 코스, 2011 3 18일(금) 첫 개강 - 6 4일(토) 폐강

◈ 시간/장소: 매주 금요일 2시-4시 토요일 4시-6시, 오룡관 301호실

◈ 모의토익시험 실시 (수강료에포함) 3 11일 오후 2 (오룡관 301)

◈ 수강료: 300,000(12), 개월별 분할납부가능

◈ 수강신청은 행정동 208호로 오셔서 하시면 됩니다. (담당자:이시온(2026))