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Free English Course For Foiegner on Campus

  • 이시온
  • REG_DATE : 2011.03.31
  • HIT : 2042

Free English Course for Foreigners in GIST


Please inform that a very kindly English lecturer in GIST, Mr. David Rowland would like to open the New English Class for foreign community here.


At the first time, some family members of GIST employees living in International Hall have asked him to start a free English class for them once or twice a week. And then he decided to do it from April 6. :)


If you want to join the Free English Class, do not hesitate to apply it. The way to take the class is very easy. Please come to the classroom at 7pm on Monday and Wednesday, #306 Oryoung Hall.


For the any inquiries, please contact to him (drowland@gist.ac.kr)


Thank you.



- Ms. Sion Lee (lovely611@gist.ac.kr)