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A multimedia mosaic of moments at GIST


GIST Science School

  • 관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2009.02.16
  • HIT : 2350

<P>- Event Title :&nbsp;GIST Science School</P>

<P><BR>- When :&nbsp;7:00pm, February 18 (Wed), 2009</P>

<P><BR>- Where :&nbsp;Room No. 303, Oryong Hall 3rd floor</P>

<P><BR>- Title :&nbsp;X-ray that Looks into the World of Nano</P>

<P><BR>- Speaker : Prof. Do young Noh (Dept. of Materials Sci.&nbsp; &amp; Eng., GIST)</P>

<P><BR>- Language : Korean</P>

<P><BR>-&nbsp;Contact :&nbsp;Team of&nbsp;Public Relations (Ext. 2025)<BR></P>