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Notice of the revised course list and class schedule

  • 박준영
  • REG_DATE : 2009.02.19
  • HIT : 2465

<P>We give a notice of the revised course list and class schedule as belows.</P>


<P>Please see the attached files.</P>



<P>1. Drop : Advanced Finite Element Method(15654), School of Info. &amp; Mecha</P>


<P>2. Add : Optimal Design(15655),&nbsp;&nbsp;School of Info. &amp; Mecha</P>



<P>Attach : The revised course list &amp; class schedule</P>

<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A syllabus&nbsp;for the added course</P>

<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </P>