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Faculty Positions Open (3rd Quarter, 2008)

  • 민경숙
  • REG_DATE : 2008.08.22
  • HIT : 3110

FACULTY POSITIONS available at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), a government-funded graduate school in Gwangju, Republic of Korea.

GIST seeks candidates whose interest lies in the fields listed below: 


Opening Areas

Information and Communications

·Communication Systems and Computer Networks
·Photonics & Optics
·Semiconductor Optoelectronics and Microwave Electronics
·Signal Processing  & System
·Computer Science and Engineering


·Intelligent Robotics/Control
·Biomedical Engineering
·Other Mechatronics related areas

Materials Science & Engineering

·Photonics Semiconductor Materials & Devices
·Energy-related Materials(Fuel Cell Device)
All areas related to Materials Science and Engineering

Environmental Science & Engineering

·Nanotechnology & Biotechnology
·Ecological Engineering (Biogeochemical Engineering, Pollution Cycle,Ecological Restoration)
·Atmospheric Environment (Seconday Organic Aerosol (SOA), Climate Change, Bioaerosol)
-3 selected papers (in PDF file) need to be submitted.

Life Science

· Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Areas:
  Biochemistry (Modification & Regulation)
· Cell and Development Biology Areas:
  Immunology, Neurobiology, Stem Cell Research
· Interdisciplinary Life Science Areas:
  Cellular Imaging, Translating Research

School of Photon Science & Technology

· Spectroscopy / Nonlinear Optics
· Femto Science & Technology / Ultrafast Light Source
· Fiber Optics and Optical Devices
· Optics Design and Optical Measurement
· Biomedical Photonics

School of Medical System Engineering

· Cancer diagnostics and therapeutics
· Surgery (cancer, cardio vascular etc.)
· Biomedical Instrumentation & Medical micro/nano technology
· Stem cell application & Neuroengineering
· Other Medical systems engineering-related Areas


(Advanced Photonics Research Institute)

· Quantum Optics
· Ultrafast Laser Physics
· Nonlinear Optics
· Spectroscopy
· Optical Materials
· Nano/Bio-photonics
· Optical Information and Communications
· Opto-electronics
· Optical Designs
· Laser Applications
  and Other Laser-related Areas.

What is GIST?

GIST was established by the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in 1993.

As a research-oriented graduate school with superb laboratories, research centers and facilities, GIST allocates a minimum teaching load so that faculty members can devote themselves to research activities. GIST is proud of the following records:

Nation"s highest number of papers published in SCI journals: approximately 5.3/year per professor during the recent 12 consecutive years. All faculty members and students participate in the government-funded "Brain Korea 21" program.


Candidates must possess a Ph.D. degree in a pertinent field at the time of application and should be able to deliver their lectures in English.

Korean citizenship is NOT required for these positions. Qualified international or female scholars are encouraged to apply.

How to Apply

1. GIST offers an electronic version of its application forms in Microsoft Word format. Please download the application forms attached at the bottom of this page.

2. Three letters of recommendation only if the department requests.(to be mailed directly to the academic department from the recommenders.)

3. Applicants must submit all application materials by (e-)mail or fax to the following address:

 Team of Academic and Student Affairs, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology

1 Oryong-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju 500-712, Republic of Korea

(Tel: 82-62-970-2043, Fax: 82-62-970-2049, E-mail : academy@gist.ac.kr)

Applications will be accepted until September 30, 2008. If your application documents reach us after the application deadline, it will be reviewed during the next recruiting session (January and February 2009).