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Department Seminar

  • 관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2009.02.03
  • HIT : 2045

- Event Title :&nbsp;Department Seminar<BR>- When :&nbsp;4:00pm, February 6 (Fri), 2009<BR>- Where :&nbsp;Room No. 228, Mechatronics Bldg. 2nd floor<BR>- Seminar Title : Business trend of fusion service&nbsp;using USN&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; technology<BR>- Speaker : Managing Director&nbsp;Sung-Soo Lee (Samsung Electro-<BR>&nbsp; Mechanics)<BR>- Language : Korean<BR>-&nbsp;Contact :&nbsp;Dept. office of Mechatronics (Ext. 2383)<BR>