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GIST Excellence

Establishment of the elMBL-Systems Biology Cyber Lab in the Department of Life Science Building at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology(2006.11.30)

  • 관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2006.12.14
  • HIT : 2151

The elMBL-Systems Biology Cyber Lab, which will be the core academic center for System Biology scholars in the Asia-Pacific region, opened at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST).

GIST announced November 30, 2006 that the elMBL-Systems Biology Cyber Lab (from Professor Do-han Kim, who is in charge of the lab) had a plate hanging ceremony at the Department of Life Science building.

elMBL will enhance the potential for online education program services, and discussion of cooperation programs using a virtual meeting system and website construction with 15 selected members from Asia.

Professor Kim stated that elMBL, as a research organization of A-IMBN, was established last year based on the suggestion of the government of the Republic of Korea at the 4th APEC Science and Technology Secretary Meeting, and after a year of preparation elMBL finally had its plate hanging ceremony.

He also mentioned that he would do his best to make elMBL be the core cooperation lab among System-Biology scholars in the Asia-Pacific region.

<Reported at>

ETNews, MOST, Newswire, Mudeung Ilbo (Daily News), Gwangnam Ilbo (Daily News), Daehan Ilbo (Daily News)

The *Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) is a research-oriented graduate school established by the Ministry of Science and Technology in the Republic of Korea in 1993.
*The university’s identity was changed from K-JIST to GIST in 2004

- November 30, 2006-