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Professors Song, Woo Keun and Song, Jong-In, appointed as committee members for adjusting the government’s annual R&D budget.

  • 임요한
  • REG_DATE : 2010.02.09
  • HIT : 1277

Professors Song, Woo Keun and Song, Jong-In, appointed as committee members for adjusting the government’s annual R&D budget.

Song, Woo Keun, a professor in the Department of Life Science and Director of the Bio-imaging Research Center and Song, Jong-In, a professor in the Department of Information & Communications and Director of the Distributed Sensor Network Center for the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) have been appointed as the members of the Expert Committees of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC).
Song, Woo Keun joined the Committee on Infrastructure Technologies (CIT), Song, Jong-In, Committee on Cutting-edge Converging and Interdisciplinary Technologies (CCCIT) to coordinate the annual nation"s R&D budget.
NSTC plans, coordinates and integrates Science & Technologies promotion policies through mid-to-long term plans, and contributes to R&D efficiency through an inter-ministry role for sharing and proving a cooperative framework on the policies. It also studies, analyzes and evaluates R&D programs to prevent overlap and to present reform directions.
The NSTC, where the Korean president presides, consists of seven Expert Committees; Committee on Large-Scale Technologies, Cutting-edge Convergence and Interdisciplinary Technologies (CLST), Committee on State-led Technologies (CST), Committee on Infrastructure Technologies (CIT), Committee on International Science and Business Belt (ISBB), Committee on Core industries (CCI) and Committee on Key Industrial Technologies (KIT), each of which has 10 members appointed (to 2-year terms) from among experts in Science and Technology.



Pro. Song, Woo Keun        Pro. Song, Jong-In