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The graduation ceremony of GIST was held on Feb, 17th.

  • 임요한
  • REG_DATE : 2010.02.19
  • HIT : 1093

The graduation ceremony of GIST was held on Feb, 17th.

132 master degrees and 47 doctorate degrees were conferred to talented students

On average, each doctorate degree holder produces 6.9 articles appeared in SCI journals, which is considered as world-class productivity in research.


On Feb, 17th, GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, President Jung-Ho SONU) held the graduation ceremony at Oryong Hall. At the graduation ceremony among 400 staff, parents and students attended, 2009 degree awards were conferred to qualified students. 

A total number of 179 degrees including 132 master degrees and 47 doctorate degrees was awarded at this graduation ceremony.

Dr. Seok-In Na in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Dr. Hae Young Choi in the Department of Information and Communications were conferred the award from Minister of Ministry of Education, Science & Technology and the award from the president of Electronics & Telecommunications, respectively. 

Additionally, five graduating students receiving doctorate degrees were conferred the awards from the president of Korea Institute of Science and technology and the president of Korea Institute Machinery and Materials.

The average number of papers published on SCI (Science Citation Index) of the students receiving doctorate degrees at the graduation date is 6.9 papers per person before their graduation. Especially, Dr. Seok-In Na of the Department of Materials Science & Engineering accumulated excellent research achievements such as publishing 29 papers which were qualified to publish on SCI (Science Citation Index) and writing 9 papers among them as a main author.

2,653 outstanding students who have talent in science and technology have been received 2,136 master degrees and 517 doctorate degrees since 1997 in which GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology) had the first graduates.