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GIST Excellence

GIST After-school activity, sensational in local community

  • 임요한
  • REG_DATE : 2010.03.23
  • HIT : 1231

GIST After-school activity, sensational in local community

Knowledge sharing from master and doctoral degree students and local cooperation 




After-school activities given by GIST as part of local cooperative projects are drawing lots of attention from local community.


GIST has engaged in knowledge-sharing activity for about 120 middle and high school students with 13 local children center since January. In particular, graduate students in master and doctoral degree volunteer to give tutoring, taking the lead in giving hope and dream to local students. 

 Besides, GIST has led lots of local projects such as science school, donation of science books to primary schools and holding the event for the month of science, actively committed to communication with local people.