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GIST and Four Eastern European Universities to Host an International Workshop

  • 강호종
  • REG_DATE : 2010.07.07
  • HIT : 855

GIST and Four Eastern European Universities to Host an International Workshop

Seeking potential cooperation with Poland, Czech, Romania and Bulgaria

The momentum to increase cooperation with Eastern Europe





GIST will create an opportunity to seek potential cooperation with Eastern Europe’s finest universities.


Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) (President Jung-Ho Sonu) will host the 1st GIST-Universities Joint Workshop with major universities of four countries, Poland, Czech, Romania and Bulgaria for two days on (May) 17-18.


In particular, the most reputable universities, namely Warsaw University of Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, Babeş-Bolyai University and Sofia University will enrich the forum.


The workshop will proceed in six different sessions, including optical engineering, life, new material, IT and environment. There will be presentations for each field together with an overview of the status of R&D.


Professors Mihal Pioro and Maci of Warsaw University of Technology will deliver a presentation on his research on “Megatronics and Electronic Information”.


Professor Ladslav Musilek of Czech Technical University in Prague will make a presentation on “X-ray Flourescence Spectrometry for Czech Cultural Heritage Investigation”.


Professor Cristina Dobrota of Babeş-Bolyai University will make a presentation titled “Trends in the Development of New Technology in Lifescience at Babeş-Bolyai University”.


Professor Nedyu Popivanov of Sofia University will deliver a presentation on “The Science and Technology Research System at Sofia University”.


Professors Do-Young Noh, Hee-Yong Seok, Karol A. Janulewicz (from Photonics and Applied Physics), Tak-Hee Lee (Materials and Engineering), Kyoung-Woong Kim, and Jae-Young Lee (Environment Science and Engineering), Woo-Jin Park (Life Science), Hyuk-Lim (Information and Mechatronics), Gi-Hwan Park and Byoung-Geun Lee (Mechatronics) from GIST will also take part to deliver presentations and chair the meetings.


During the workshop, GIST will introduce its diverse student exchange program, primarily its Global Intern Program which attracts talented students from Eastern Europe to Korea, and lead a discussion on ways to promote academic exchange, including exchanges of professors and faculty.


Hee-Chul Choi, Head of GIST International and Public Affairs, says, “The purpose of the workshop is to promote academic exchange in research with the finest universities in Eastern Europe, and attract more talented students”. He adds, “We will conduct in-depth discussions on potential joint research projects, and the workshop will become a cornerstone in the expansion of science and technology cooperation between GIST and Eastern Europe.”