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Businesses Participating in GIST Electronic RIS Project to Strengthen Partnerships Abroad

  • 강호종
  • REG_DATE : 2010.07.07
  • HIT : 970

    Businesses Participating in GIST Electronic RIS Project to Strengthen Partnerships Abroad




                                 Prof. Ki-Sun Kim, Head of Regional Innovation System (RIS) Project 


Businesses participating in GIST’s Electronic RIS Project are entering into partnership agreements with foreign companies. Businesses taking part in the GIST Electronic RIS Project, including Jigeumgang, a farm machinery manufacturer, Geumho HT and Inarex, recently invited foreign buyers to a seminar on exportations. The seminar produced visible results such as the conclusion of agreements for joint R&D, exports and cultivation of overseas markets.


A related article was published on the Electronic Times on June 14.