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GIST Ranks Top in Faculty Publication Records

  • 장은빈
  • REG_DATE : 2011.10.25
  • HIT : 879


 GIST Ranks Top in Faculty Publication Records

 - The MEST announces information on 194 universities in Korea.

 - A GIST faculty staff publishes an average of 1.41 papers: higher than POSTEC. 

 - President Jung-Ho Sonu underscores the effect of incentive systems.

It is revealed that the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST, President: Jung-Ho Sonu) is the top university in Korea in terms of faculty publication records. 

The Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) recently announced information on 194 4-year universities in Korea that consisted of 13 items including faculty research performance in the University Alimi Service website  (www.academyinfo.go.kr). The information revealed that a GIST faculty member, on average, has published 1.41 papers in international SCI-indexed journals, which is more than any other universities in Korea.

"The GIST offers extraordinary incentives to papers published in the three major science journals (Nature, Science and Cell). I think that one of the foundations of these great research performance owes to research and lectures that meet international standards and have been conducted entirely in English since its establishment." said the GIST President Jung-Ho Sonu.