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GIST Excellence

GIST has been selected as a host organization to support start-ups in 2017

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2017.03.17
  • HIT : 1620

GIST has been selected as a host organization to support start-ups in 2017

□ The Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST • President Seung Hyeon Moon) has been selected by the Small and Medium Business Administration as a host organization to support business start-ups in 2017.

□ The GIST Business Start-Up Support Program was established in 2017 as a specialized unit to provide funds and support services for business that are less than 3 to 7 years old. 

□ GIST plans to support 50 new start-ups with 4.5 billion won for 2 years and will foster skillful entrepreneurs through various dedicated programs. Furthermore, direct investment into successful companies will be possible through an investment consortium.

□ Start-ups selected for this program will be provided with up to 50 million won in grants, and start-ups with a strong track record can be eligible to receive additional support for one year. Even after a start-up completes the two year program, they will be eligible to receive further follow up support (such as mentoring support, entrepreneurship related education courses, and other specialized programs) to ensure their continued success.

□ Based on its excellent research results, GIST will contribute to the development and revitalization of local industries while helping to create more jobs through the establishment of technology-based start-ups that will lead the way from laboratory innovations to market commercialization.