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[Press Release] A Scientific Article whose Lead Author is an Undergraduate Student of GIST College is featured in a SCI level Journal

  • 김슬혜
  • REG_DATE : 2013.05.02
  • HIT : 732

[Press Release] A Scientific Article whose Lead Author is an Undergraduate Student of GIST College is featured in a SCI level Journal


Synthesizing Antenna Proteins by Imitating Plant’s Photosynthetic Proteins


-      This research is led by Professor Seo, Jiwon of GIST College about the way to increase the efficiency in light harvesting for photosynthesis (which has been developed by plants for the last 3.5 billion years).

- The article about this research is featured in a SCI level Journal named “Organic Letter” and its lead author is Boyeong Kang, an undergraduate of GIST College.







□ An article whose lead author is Kang, Boyeong of a senior in Chemistry Concentration of GIST(Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, President   Young Joon Kim) College, is featured in a SCI level journal. A research team headed by Professor Seo, Jiwon of GIST College has successfully synthesized antenna proteins which imitate light-harvesting antenna proteins used by plants to harvest light for photosynthesis.

  o The structure of the synthesized proteins can be designed to suit specific needs and therefore be stable and easily controlled. In addition, the technology employed in this research is expected to apply to the development of more efficient synthesized antenna proteins and photoelectric materials.

  o This research is sponsored by ‘New Young Researcher Support Program’ led by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning and the National Research Foundation of Korea. The article about this research is featured in Organic Letter, the highest impact communications journal in the field of organic chemistry, published on the web on March 8, 2013. (Title: Porphyrin-Peptoid Conjugates: Face-to-Face Display of Porphyrins on Peptoid Helices)