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GIST Excellence

GIST is ranked Top 3 in the world by the 2017/18 QS World University Rankings for "citations per faculty"

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2017.06.14
  • HIT : 1299

GIST is ranked Top 3 in the world by the 2017/18 QS World University Rankings for "citations per faculty"

□ Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a global university evaluation agency in the UK, announced on QS World University Ranking on June 7, 2017, and the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST • President Seung Hyeon Moon) was ranked third in the world for citations per faculty.

∘ GIST achieved this ranking after being evaluated with 900 universities from around the world. Despite the recent rapid increase in the number of faculty, GIST was ranked second in the world for citation per faculty for two consecutive years in 2015 and in 2016.

□ The "number of citations per faculty" category measures how often articles published by the researchers of a university are quoted by other researchers in related fields, and it can be used to evaluate both the quantity and the quality of a university's research capacity. The higher the ranking, the greater the influence and impact of a university's research outcome.

∘ GIST was first ranked in this category in 2008 (15th place) and was subsequently ranked in 2012 (7th place), 2013 (6th place), 2014 (4th place), 2015 (2nd place), and 2016 (2nd place).

For this year, the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia ranked first in the world, the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel was ranked second, the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology was ranked third, the California Institute of Technology was ranked fourth, and Princeton University was ranked fifth.

□ For the past several years, GIST's research capacity has been ranked among the best in the world because it has attracted excellent researchers and has created an optimal research environment for them to engage in their respective research.

∘ To create an environment where professors can concentrate on research, graduate school professors are only required to teach two courses a year, which creates an environment where they can concentrate more on research. There is also a system in which lectures can be exempted entirely.

∘ In addition, GIST has the highest level of start-up funding in Korea to help quickly reestablish a laboratory for new researchers so that they can continue with their research while exempting them from having to teach courses for their first two semester.

∘ For all the professors in charge, we will appoint a special professor as an honorary professor in order to conduct a special scholarship system, to achieve world-class academic research results, and to achieve excellent results in education, research and other activities.

∘ In the case of professors with excellent research achievements, the GIST Senior Fellow system allows them to remain at GIST even after retirement, and they can continue to carry out research within their own laboratories.

□ GIST also recognizes the importance of students for the future development of science and technology and regards them as research partners for professors, ensuring that students can participate actively in research during their bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs with various opportunities for them to improve their skills and abilities.

∘ 100% of the graduate students participate in research with their advisor in an environment where they can devote themselves to study and research. Undergraduate students can also participate at any time in research with GIST graduate school laboratories as interns. In addition, GIST provides various research activities, such as providing an opportunity to study with the professors of Caltech in the United States through the Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program.

□ GIST President Seung Hyeon Moon said, "This achievement is the result of the combined effort of every GIST member, including professors, researchers, and students who have been devoted to their research. Based on our outstanding research capabilities, we will do our best to promote technology transfers and encourage start-ups that can contribute to economic development. "