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GIST-Caltech hosts joint workshop

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2017.12.10
  • HIT : 1140

GIST-Caltech hosts joint workshop

□ The Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST, President Seung Hyeon Moon) successfully hosted a joint research workshop with the California Institute of Science and Technology (Caltech) on November 8-9, 2017.

∘ A total of 20 college faculty members, including 10 professors from Caltech shared their research results and presented a new research plans through presentations and online video conferences.

□ 'GIST-Caltech Collaborative Research' consists of one professor from two universities to form a research group to carry out joint research projects with a set timeframe that were selected after a preliminary review as a suitable science and technology collaborative project. As of 2017, 20 professors in various fields are participating, and GIST is the only institution in South Korea to have a one-on-one joint research projects with Caltech, which is a world-renowned science and engineering university.

∘ Professor Robert H. Grubbs of Caltech, who won the 2005 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, conducted joint research with GIST Professor Jae-Suk Lee. In May 2016, Professor Robert Grubbs was appointed the director of GIST's Grubbs Center for Polymers and Catalysis.

∘ Collaborative research between the two countries has led to the achievement of world-class research results. The research result of the participating team was announced, and it attracted much attention from Nano Letters and Nature Materials, both of which have world-renowned authority in the field of nanoscience and materials science.

∘ "Enabling Simultaneous Extreme Ultra Low-k Stiff, Resilient, and Thermally Stable Nano-Architected Materials" was authored by Max L. Lifson, Min-Woo Kim, Julia R. Greer, and Bong-Joong Kim and published on November 7, 2017 in Nano Letters.

∘ "A charge density wave-like instability in a doped spin-orbit-assisted weak Mott insulator" was authored by H. Chu, L. Zhao, A. de la Torre, T. Hogan, S. D. Wilson, and D. Hsieh and was published on January 16, 2017, in Nature Materials.

□ Professor Inchan Kwon, the research director for this year's workshop, said, "Caltech is a top science and technology university that has produced 35 Nobel Prize winners, and GIST hopes to create synergy through collaborative research with Caltech."