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GIST hosts UNU INWEH workshop

  • 전체관리자
  • REG_DATE : 2017.12.24
  • HIT : 988

GIST hosts UNU INWEH workshop

□ The GIST International Environmental Research Institute (Director Joon Ha Kim) hosted a workshop on December 8, 2017, on the first floor of the Central Library to promote cooperation with the United Nations University-Water, Environment and Health Institute (UNU-INWEH).

□ This workshop is a follow-up to the UNU Internship Program. Nidhi Nagabhatla, a senior researcher at the United Nations University - Water, Environment and Health Research Institute, Canada, visited the institute and gave a special lecture entitled "Water Security Agenda" as a follow-up to the UNU Internship Program. The interns who completed the 1st and 2nd UNU internship programs announced the results of their work and discussed the results.

∘ Dr. Nadine Nabekhattra, who majored in systems science and global geospatial analysis, has led research and education development in the water ecosystem in Asia, South Africa, and Western Europe with various international organizations for more than 15 years. He is also working on scientific policy interface and competency development through academic partnership with Leibniz University in Germany and Macmaster University in Canada.

□ This workshop will introduce UNU-INWEH and UN agencies to GIST students who are interested in international organizations and will encourage active participation in next year internship program by sharing local experiences of previous UNU interns. It will also provide a platform for GIST students to advance into international organizations.

□ Director Joon Ha Kim said, "The reality is that major changes are unstoppable, and coping with and responding to change is now an essential element, not an option. Through this workshop, we expect that GIST students will be able to demonstrate their skills on a wider stage. "

□ The International Environmental Institute has been conducting the UNU Internship Program since January 2017 with the aim of strengthening human resources exchange and cooperation with UNU-INWEH (United Nations University - Institute for Water, Environment and Health) and UNU-FLORES (United Nations University-Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and Resources, Germany).