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GIST has launched IBS Center for Quantum Conversion Research.

GIST has launched IBS Center for Quantum Conversion Research.

GIST Excellence

“Scientists who opened a new path for studying ideal time from a physical perspective”

Professor Soo Jeong Lee


GIST-Kangdong Kyunghee University Hospital, first construction of ‘long non-translated RNA’ cell map... Revealing correlation between aging and ‘long non-translated RNA’

Professor Jihwan Park

GIST Excellence

“Converting hydrogen contained in industrial waste gas into a high value-added compound” GIST develops multi-enzyme reactor that does not require purification process

Professor Inchan Kwon


GIST develops new neuropathic pain treatment... Increases pain relief effect and reduces side effects

Professor Yong-Chul Kim




GIST Infographic GIST at a Glance

Ranked 1st in startup performance and selected as Korea’s Best Entrepreneurship University in 2023 by Maeil Business Newspaper and the Korea Business Incubation Association (KOBIA)
Ranked 1st in the number of citations
per faculty in South Korea
for 17 consecutive years
62,100,000,000 KRW in cumulative
technology transfer agreements


  • GIST proves its research capabilities in the field of artificial intelligence audio, taking first place in the international AI sound recognition competition “IEEE DCASE 2024 Challenge” The Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST, President Kichul Lim) is attracting attention for its outstanding research achievements in the field of artificial intelligence (AI)-based voice signal processing. Read more
  • GIST students receive excellence and encouragement awards at ‘K-Digital Challenge: AI Startup Entrepreneurship Contest’ GIST students receive excellence and encouragement awards at ‘K-Digital Challenge: AI Startup Entrepreneurship Contest’ Read more
  • GIST graduate students placed second in the ‘2024 CIS Student Grand Competition on Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine and Healthcare’ hosted by IEEE The Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST, President Kichul Lim) announced that graduate students of the School of Integrated Technology participated in the ‘2024 IEEE CIS Student Grand Competition on Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine and Healthcare’ and won second place. Read more

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A centralized science and technology research institute that leads the future of the innovative economy together with the region GIST