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Creating limitless possibilities through research and education

Interviews with GIST Ambassador Students(Why did they choose GIST?)

  • 전체관리자
  • 등록일 : 2022.03.17
  • 조회수 : 472

GIST offers undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs for international students. Currently,

many foreign students are studying at GIST. The Ambassadors in the video are students from

Ghana, Nepal, Iran, Bangladesh, Sudan, Pakistan, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Mexico. and they

are bachelor's, master's, and doctoral students.

they had an interview with the subject of 'Why did you decide to go to GIST?'

we hope this video will help you when you apply to GIST. For more information, watch the video!

00:00 ~ 00:19 Undergraduate students

00:20 ~ 00:59 Ph.D. students

01:00 ~ 01:15 Ph.D. students(Left) & Master's degree student(Right)

01:16 ~ 01:45 Ph.D. students

01:46 ~ 02:29 Master's degree student(Left) & integrated master's and doctorate programs student(Right)

#GIST #admission #Internationalstudent #ApplicationtoGIST #AmbassadorofGIST #StrengthofGIST #입학팀

Contact: admis@gist.ac.kr, (+82)62-715-3951